
Pomegranate variety properties are important not only to demonstrate their diversity but also to satisfy the current market need for high-quality fruits. This study aims to characterize pomological and physico-chemical features as well as the antioxidant capacity of Moroccan local cultivars (Djeibi, Mersi, Sefri 1 and Sefri 2) compared to the imported ones (Mollar de Elche and Hicaz). The pomological characteristics of varieties were relatively diverse. The juice varieties (PJ) displayed a marketed variability in organoleptic and quality properties, such as the flavor, juice yield, and micro/macronutrients contents. Interrelationships among the analyzed properties and PJ varieties were investigated by principal component analysis (PCA). Dimension of the data set was reduced to two components by PCA accounting for 64.53% of the variability observed. The rinds varieties (PR) were studied for their total phenolics, flavonoids, and condensed tannins quantifications. PR varieties extracts exhibited different levels of free radical scavenging activity and local varieties revealed a greater potential with stability over time. The HPLC-DAD analyses of PR extracts revealed (+) catechin as the major compound, where the highest content was found for the local varieties. The SEC analysis showed the molecular weight distribution of phenolic compounds with a high size of condensed tannins formed by the polymerization of the catechin monomer. Given these properties, this research provides an easy selection of high-quality fruits as potential candidates for local market needs.

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