
LetXbe an infinite dimensional Banach space, andΦ:B(X)→B(X)is a nonlinear Lie derivation. Then Φ is the formδ+τwhereδis an additive derivation ofB(X)andτis a map fromB(X)into its centerZB(X), which maps commutators into the zero.


  • The local actions of derivations of operator algebras are still not completely understood

  • Without loss of generality, we proof that ZA12 ⊆ A12 + ZB(X)

  • We divided the proof into several steps

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The local actions of derivations of operator algebras are still not completely understood. In [11], it was shown that letting X be a Banach space of dimension greater than 2, if δ : B(X) → B(X) is a linear map satisfying δ([A, B]) = [δ(A), B] + [A, δ(B)] for any A, B ∈ B(X) with AB = 0, δ = d + τ, where d is a derivation of B(X) and τ : B(X) → CI is a linear map vanishing at commutators [A, B] with AB = 0. In [12], it was shown that every nonlinear Lie derivation of triangular algebras is the sum of an additive derivation and a map into its center sending commutators to zero. We prove that every nonlinear Lie derivation of B(X) is the sum of an additive derivation and a map from B(X) into its center sending commutators to the zero. We want to mention here that there is no additive assumed

Result and Proof
It follows that
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