
A functional dependency (fd) family was recently defined [20] as the set of all instances satisfying some set of functional dependencies. A Boyce-Codd normal form, abbreviated BCNF, family is defined here as an fd-family specified by some BCNF set of functional dependencies. The purpose of this paper is to present set-theoretic/algebraic characterizations relating to both types of families. Two characterizations of F ( I ), the smallest fd-family containing the family I of instances, are established. The first involves the notion of agreement, a concept related to that of a closed set of attributes. The second describes F ( I ) as the smallest family of instances containing I and closed under four specific operations on instances. Companion results are also given for BCNF- families. The remaining results concern characterizations involving the well-known operations of projection, join and union. Two characterizations for when the projection of an fd-family is again an fd-family are given. Several corollaries are obtained, including the effective decidability of whether a projection of an fd-family is an fd-family. The problem for BCNF-families disappears since it is shown that the projection of a BCNF-family is always a BCNF-family. Analogous to results for fd-families presented in [20], characterizations of when the join and union of BCNF-families are BCNF-families are given. Finally, the collections of all fd-families and all BCNF-families are characterized in terms of inverse projection operations and intersection.

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