
This study characterizes a newly isolated Demerecviridae phage, named vB_SalS_PSa2, belonging to the phage T5 group. The main variations between vB_SalS_PSa2 and T5 concern structural proteins related to morphology and host recognition. vB_SalS_PSa2 is infective to 19 out of the 25 tested Salmonella enterica (including the rare “Sendai” and “Equine” serotypes) and Escherichia coli isolates, most of them being multidrug resistant. vB_SalS_PSa2 displayed good thermal stability (4∼60 °C) and broad pH stability (4.0∼12.0). It also exhibited antibacterial activity against S. enterica sv. Paratyphi A Enb50 at 4 °C in milk during the whole tested period (5 d), and for 3∼6 h at both 25 and 37 °C. Furthermore, vB_SalS_PSa2 was able to inhibit biofilm formation and to show degradation activity on mature biofilms of E. coli K12 and S. enterica sv. Paratyphi Enb50 in both LB and milk. Altogether, these results indicate that phage vB_SalS_PSa2 is a valuable candidate for controlling foodborne S. enterica and E. coli pathogens.

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