
To characterize genes involved in maintaining homeostatic levels of zinc in the cyanobacterium Nostoc punctiforme. Metal efflux transporters play a central role in maintaining homeostatic levels of trace elements such as zinc. Sequence analyses of the N. punctiforme genome identified two potential cation diffusion facilitator (CDF) metal efflux transporters, Npun_F0707 (Cdf31) and Npun_F1794 (Cdf33). Deletion of either Cdf31or Cdf33 resulted in increased zinc retention over 3 h. Interestingly, Cdf31(-) and Cdf33(-) mutants showed no change in sensitivity to zinc exposure in comparison with the wild type, suggesting some compensatory capacity for the loss of each other. Using qRT-PCR, a possible interaction was observed between the two cdf's, where the Cdf31(-) mutant had a more profound effect on cdf33 expression than Cdf33(-) did on cdf31. Over-expression of Cdf31 and Cdf33 in ZntA(-) - and ZitB(-) -deficient Escherichia coli revealed function similarities between the ZntA and ZitB of E. coli and the cyanobacterial transporters. The data presented shed light on the function of two important transporters that regulate zinc homeostasis in N. punctiforme. This study shows for the first time the functional characterization of two cyanobacterial zinc efflux proteins belonging to the CDF family.

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