
SUMMARY Train traffic is a powerful source of seismic waves, with many applications for passive seismic imaging. Seismic signals were recorded a few metres away from the railway track. These records display harmonious waveforms below 15 Hz for trains driving at speeds of around 100 km hr−1. The sensors record an apparent wavelet emitted by the interaction of the axle on a few of the closest sleepers. From this, we build a simple modelling tool using shifted wavelets to simulate a train signal. The relationship involves the varying train speed, the distances between each axle, and the wavelet emitted by each axle. We propose a nonlinear deconvolution method to invert this relationship. We use a local minimization algorithm with gradients derived by the adjoint state method, and use a frequency continuation technique. A linearized picking-based inversion initializes the nonlinear inversion. On real data, we apply this automatic workflow to 300 train passages, with an excellent match between the best simulation and the data. We identify the trains decelerating as they enter a train station. We also identify the train type based on inverted wheel spacing with centimetric accuracy. The inverted wavelets are consistent with the assumption that trains emit seismic waves by bending the rail above sleepers, although the theory does not explain why the inverted wavelet is not zero phase. This automated kinematic inversion algorithm may allow for contactless railway monitoring, and be used for source characterization for subsurface monitoring below railway tracks.

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