
Experiments were conducted in deuterium plasma in the TJ-II stellarator by means of swept Langmuir probes mounted on reciprocating probes manipulators. The results were processed using the four-parameter fit, as well as the triple-probe and the first-derivative probe techniques. The parameters determined were the floating potential, the ion saturation current density, the electron temperature and density, and the plasma potential. The results were obtained for two plasma heating techniques – electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) and neutral beam injection (NBI) heating. In the case of ECRH, employing the first-derivative probe technique resulted in finding that the electron-energy distribution function (EEDF) was not Maxwellian, but rather a bi-Maxwellian one with thermal (14-25 eV) and cold (4-5 eV) electrons. In comparison, during NBI heating we found a Maxwellian EEDF with the electron temperature being around 5 eV and slightly increasing in the confined plasma, but always remaining below 15 eV. We present a detailed analysis and discussion of the data for the plasma parameters as acquired by different techniques of using the reciprocating probe manipulator.

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