
The results of analyses of the Tank 19F closure characterization samples are included herein. The samples analyzed include the two Tank 19F grab samples (FTF-075 and FTF-077) and a Tank 18F dip sample (FTF-076) taken in September 2001 and a Tank 19F core sample (FTF-118) taken in December 2001. The FTF-075 and FTF-077 grab samples were pulled from Tank 19F and the FTF-076 dip sample was pulled from Tank 18F in September 2001 as part of the characterization process for closure of Tank 19F. The samples were delivered to the Savannah River Technology Center (SRTC) Shielded Cells on September 28, 2001 and placed in the Shielded Cells on October 2, 2001. The samples were opened and both grab samples were found to contain plenty of material to allow completion of the analyses. The samples were dark and resembled marsh muck (see Figures 1 and 2). The dip sample was also found to contain plenty of material. The sample looked like muddy water (Figure 4). The FTF-118F core sample was pulled from Tank 19F in December 2001 as part of the characterization process for closure of the tank. The sample was delivered to the SRTC Shielded Cells on December 6, 2001 and placed in the Shielded Cells on December 7, 2001. The sample was opened and found to contain plenty of material to allow completion of the analyses. As evident in Figure 3, the sample resembled a somewhat drier version of the previous grab samples FTF-075 and FTF-077. A group consisting of SRTC Waste Processing Technology (WPT) section personnel and High Level Waste Engineering (HLWE) personnel viewed the sample when it was opened and came to the consensus that the sample appeared to be homogeneous. The decision was made to treat the sample as a single phase and analyze accordingly. Initially, small portions were archived from the top, middle and bottom of the sample in case it is later decided to analyze the levels of the sample separately. The analytical results from the two grab samples and the core sample were all similar indicating that the solids in the tank were fairly well-mixed.

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