
Suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) from hypothalami of postnatal rats were maintained for 18-39 days in vitro as organotypic slice explants. Neuronal subtypes containing vasopressin (VP), vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), gastrin releasing hormone (GRP), and GABA were immunocytochemically identifiable in these cultures. In situ hybridization histochemistry was compatible with these SCN slice explant cultures, and mRNA encoding for VP was detected bilaterally within these nuclei. After 18 days in vitro, both VP mRNA and VP immunoreactivity increased from levels present on postnatal days 4 (the earliest age from which the explanted tissue was derived) to levels typical of adult SCNs. In contrast, the GRP expression remained low, characteristic of early postnatal animals and far lower than adult levels. This suggests that the developmental cues or programs necessary for enhanced VP expression are maintained in these cultures, while those affecting GRP expression are absent or inhibited. VIP-containing neurons were numerous in the cultures. Culture slices appeared healthy, and similar numbers and distributions of identifiable neurons within the SCN were observed, whether or not the slices were grown in the presence of serum. EM analysis revealed that the SCN in vitro is composed of tightly packed neurons, processes, and abundant synapses containing both clear and dense core vesicles, closely resembling the SCN in vivo. Vasopressinergic neuronal somata contained extensive Golgi systems and labeled secretory granules, the latter organelle being present also within processes and synaptic terminals. GABA-immunopositive processes and synaptic profiles were abundant, with labeling occurring particularly over secretory vesicles and mitochondria. This slice culture system effectively maintained much of the intrinsic organization and cellular components of the SCN for long periods in vitro and should be an excellent model system for studying the intrinsic molecular mechanisms and extrinsic cues which regulate neuronal phenotype in this circadian pacemaker.

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