
The superior olivary complex (SOC) is a collection of nuclei in the hindbrain of mammals with numerous roles in hearing, including localization of sound sources in the environment, encoding temporal and spectral elements of sound, and descending modulation of the cochlea. While there have been several investigations of the SOC in primates, there are discrepancies in the descriptions of nuclear borders and even the presence of certain cell groups among studies and species. Herein, we aimed to clarify some of these issues by characterizing the SOC from chimpanzees using Nissl staining, quantitative morphometry and immunohistochemistry. We found the medial superior olive (MSO) to be the largest of the SOC nuclei and the arrangement of its neurons and peri-MSO to be very similar to humans. Additionally, we found neurons in the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB) to be immunopositive for the calcium binding protein calbindin. Further, most neurons in the MNTB, and some neurons in the lateral nucleus of the trapezoid body were associated with large, calretinin-immunoreactive calyx terminals. Together, these findings indicate the organization of the SOC of chimpanzees is organized very similar to the SOC in humans and suggests modifications to this region among species consistent with differences in head/body size, restricted hearing range and sensitivity to low frequency sounds.

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