
Pickling of zirconium alloys in nitric-hydrofluoric acid has been widely used in the nuclear materials industry. However, the pickle salts still remain a curiosity and a thorough knowledge of the products of the system Zr–(HNO3–HF) still needs to be well established. The present study investigated the products obtained from the reactions of Zircaloy-4 with an acid mixture of HNO3 (65 wt%) and HF (40 wt%) in a volume ratio of 94 : 6, similar to the one used under nuclear industry conditions. It shows that after the reactions, a gel-like solution was present. When drying it at a high relative humidity (at 25 °C and 70 ± 5% RH), an amorphous solid product formed, while in the case of at a low relative humidity (at 15/25 °C and 25 ± 5% RH), besides the amorphous solid, crystalline zirconium hydroxide nitrates Zr(OH)2(NO3)2·4.71H2O and Zr(OH)2(NO3)2·1.65H2O (possible) with low degree of crystallinity formed. These compounds were identified with the help of successfully synthesizing completely crystalline Zr(OH)2(NO3)2·4.71H2O from the gel-like solution by ultrasonication, which in itself was a breakthrough. Such a study can be expected to provide a deep understanding of pickle salts of zirconium alloys in practical use.

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