
Metastable magnetism is observed in two important compounds (thosewith x = 0.35 and x = 0.5) of the LixNi1-xO series,with similar experimental features found in bulk susceptibilitymeasurements. For each of these two compositions, a frequencydependence in the first-order alternating-current (ac)susceptibility (χ1), a negative peak in the third-order acsusceptibility (χ3), and a field-cooled/zero-field-cooledbifurcation in the direct-current magnetization were seen. Wehave used χ3 to discern the nature of the metastabilityfor these samples. We find that for x = 0.35, χ3 becomescritical as a function of field (h), frequency (f), andtemperature (T), confirming the existence of a spin-glass-likephase. However, χ3 for x = 0.5 does not become criticalas a function of h and f, and shows a -T-3-dependence aspredicted by Wohlfarth's model of superparamagnetism. ThusLixNi1-xO shows magnetic phases of different types in twoimportant composition ranges which are identified using χ3.The results also indicate the importance of non-linearsusceptibility for distinguishing the two metastable phases by meansof bulk susceptibility measurements.

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