
The excretory-secretory products of exsheathed third-stage larvae of Trichostrongylus colubriformis conferred some protection to guinea pigs against homologous challenge. A glycoprotein with an apparent molecular mass of approximately 94 kDa was the dominant immunogen in post-exsheathment products. Immunoblots revealed IgG antibodies to this glycoprotein in sera from multiply-infected guinea pigs and some sheep, and in sera of guinea pigs after three truncated infections which had been restricted by anthelmintic treatments to development of the third parasitic stage. IgA antibodies to this protein were also found in intestinal lymph of a naturally infected sheep. Fluorescent antibody studies indicated that this 94 kDa component was associated with cells in the central body cavity of third-stage larvae, but was absent from fourth-stage larvae or adult worms. Fractionation and protection assays in guinea pigs revealed that while the native and aggregated 94 kDa protein conferred some host protection, it was not the only protective component of the excretory-secretory products of exsheathed third-stage larvae of T. colubriformis.

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