
The majority of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) transmission events occur in women when semen harboring infectious virus is deposited onto the mucosal barriers of the vaginal, ectocervical, and endocervical epithelia. Seminal factors such as semen-derived enhancer of virus infection (SEVI) fibrils were previously shown to greatly enhance the infectivity of HIV-1 in cell culture systems. However, when SEVI is intravaginally applied to living animals, there is no effect on vaginal transmission. To define how SEVI might function in the context of sexual transmission, we applied HIV-1 and SEVI to intact human and rhesus macaque reproductive tract tissues to determine how it influences virus interactions with these barriers. We show that SEVI binds HIV-1 and sequesters most virions to the luminal surface of the stratified squamous epithelium, significantly reducing the number of virions that penetrated the tissue. In the simple columnar epithelium, SEVI was no longer fibrillar in structure and was detached from virions but allowed significantly deeper epithelial virus penetration. These observations reveal that the action of SEVI in intact tissues is very different in the anatomical context of sexual transmission and begin to explain the lack of stimulation of infection observed in the highly relevant mucosal transmission model. The most common mode of HIV-1 transmission in women occurs via genital exposure to the semen of HIV-infected men. A productive infection requires the virus to penetrate female reproductive tract epithelial barriers to infect underlying target cells. Certain factors identified within semen, termed semen-derived enhancers of virus infection (SEVI), have been shown to significantly enhance HIV-1 infectivity in cell culture. However, when applied to the genital tracts of living female macaques, SEVI did not enhance virus transmission. Here we show that SEVI functions very differently in the context of intact mucosal tissues. SEVI decreases HIV-1 penetration of squamous epithelial barriers in humans and macaques. At the mucus-coated columnar epithelial barrier, the HIV-1/SEVI interaction is disrupted. These observations suggest that SEVI may not play a significant stimulatory role in the efficiency of male-to-female sexual transmission of HIV.

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