
We study the imbalance problem on complete bipartite graphs. The imbalance problem is a graph layout problem and is known to be NP-complete. Graph layout problems find their applications in the optimization of networks for parallel computer architectures, VLSI circuit design, information retrieval, numerical analysis, computational biology, graph theory, scheduling and archaeology [2]. In this paper, we give characterizations for the optimal solutions of the imbalance problem on complete bipartite graphs. Using the characterizations, we can solve the imbalance problem in time polylogarithmic in the number of vertices, when given the cardinalities of the parts of the graph, and verify whether a given solution is optimal in time linear in the number of vertices on complete bipartite graphs. We also introduce a generalized form of complete bipartite graphs on which the imbalance problem is solvable in time quasilinear in the number of vertices by using the aforementioned characterizations.

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