
The promoter region of the human aldose reductase gene has been identified upstream of the translation start ATG codon. The promoter contains a TATA box, a CCAAT promoter element, and three Sp1 protein binding consensus sequences upstream of the capsite. A 640-base pair insert spanning +31 to -609 directs expression of the reporter gene chloramphenicol acetyltransferase in an orientation-specific manner in transfected Hep G2 cells. The promoter activity remained constant with deletions from base pairs -609 to -186. The TATA and the CCAAT consensus sequences show significant promoter activity, whereas the three Sp1 binding consensus sequences, individually, have no significant promoter activity. A GA-rich region (-186 to -146) contains two CGGAAA/G motifs, which show promoter activity and interaction with Hep G2 nuclear extract and GA-binding proteins (GABP alpha and GABP beta 1) as shown by mobility shift assays and DNase I footprinting. Similar cis-elements in herpes simplex virus type 1 interact with rat liver GABP and the viral VP16 protein to mediate the induction of immediate early viral genes. A GC-rich region (-87 to -31) is identified by mobility shift assay, and a consensus sequence of an androgen response element is present at -396 to -382. The human aldose reductase promoter, thus, has regulatory response elements that may be important during early development and puberty. These regulatory elements may play a significant role in the development of certain diabetic complications.

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