
The "deficiency" group of alpha 1-antitrypsin (alpha 1AT) alleles is characterized by alpha 1AT genes that code for alpha 1AT present in serum but in amounts insufficient to protect the lower respiratory tract from progressive destruction by its burden of neutrophil elastase. Mprocida, a rare alpha 1AT allele associated with alpha 1AT serum levels less than 10 mg/dl (normal 150-350 mg/dl), codes for an alpha 1AT molecule that focuses on immobilized pH gradient isoelectric gels slightly cathodal to the common normal M1 (Val213) protein. On a per molecule basis, Mprocida has a mildly reduced function as an inhibitor, with an association rate constant for human neutrophil elastase of 7.0 +/- 0.1 x 10(6) M-1 s-1 (normal M1 (Val213) 9.3 +/- 0.8 x 10(6), p less than 0.01). The Mprocida molecule behaves normally in vivo with a half-life similar to normal M1 alpha 1AT molecules. Restriction endonuclease mapping demonstrates that the cloned Mprocida gene was grossly intact. Sequencing of all the exons, exon-intron junctions, and the major promoter region demonstrated Mprocida to be identical to the M1 (Val213) gene except for a single base substitution in exon II coding for amino acid 41 of the mature protein (M1 (Val213) Leu41 CTG----Mprocida Pro41 CCG). Usefully, the coding sequence of the alpha 1AT residues 40-41 is recognized by the restriction endonuclease PvuII so that using a probe corresponding to this region of exon II, the Mprocida mutation can be rapidly identified by Southern analysis. Evaluation of the crystallographic structure of alpha 1AT suggests the Leu41 to Pro41 mutation may disrupt alpha-helix A in the region of Pro21-Ser45, suggesting the possibility that the alpha 1AT Mprocida molecule is unstable and degraded intracellularly prior to secretion.


  • The “deficiency” group of al-antitrypsinal- (1, 9, 10)

  • The most common “normal” alAT alleles are leles is characterizedby a l A T genes that code for M1(Va1213)(allelic frequency in United States Caucasians 44

  • M1(Va121Sg) ene except foar single base substitution in sema associated with this deficiency state is thought to deexon I1 coding for amino acid[41] of the mature protein velop secondary to insufficient protection of the alveolar wall (M1(Va1213)Leu4’ CTG+MprooidaPro4’ CCG). usefully, the coding sequence of the a1AT residues 40-41 is recognized by the restriction endonuclease PuuII so that using a probe corresponding to this regiofnexon 11, the Mproeihmutation can be rapidly identified by Southern analysis

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Vol 263, No 30, Issue of October 25, pp. 15528-15534,1988 Printed in U.S.A. Hideki Takahashi$#, Toshihiro NukiwaKQe,n SatohQ, FumitakOa gushiQ, Mark BrantlyQT, Gerald Fells#, Larue Stierg,Michael Courtney11,and Ronald G. T o determine whether this istration of the '251-labeledMpmid protein resulted in a grad- loss of a PvuII recognition site in exon I1 was characteristic ual time-dependent reduction in the serumlevels of the pro- of the Mpmibgene or the Null gene of the index case, total tein (Fig. 4). This behaviorwastypical of a1AT and was genomic DNA obtained from thme other (phenotype similar to that of 12sI-labeledM1 normal a1AT protein ad- M2Mpmih),asibling (M2Null) and the son (MlNull) was ministered to mice in parallel (T1/2Mpmi~1.1days; M1 1.1 analyzedby restrictionmappingwith doubledigestion of days).

Leu Ala HIS
Zaueburg rare
In comparison to all of the alAT deficiency variants that
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