
The PpERS1 gene, which encodes an ethylene receptor and responds to abiotic and biotic stresses, was cloned from peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch cv Okubao). The genomic DNA sequence of PpERS1 comprises seven exons which are separated by six introns, interestingly alternative splicing of the first intron produced three different PpERS1 transcripts. In addition, a 2.8-kb sequence including the promoter of PpERS1 was isolated and analyzed by placing expressing of the GUS reporter gene under its control. Several putative cis-elements were identified in the promoter of PpERS1, including two ethylene-responsive elements (EREs), five W boxes, and four putative binding sites for MYB-type transcription factors. Deletion analysis indicated the presence of an enhancer element in the PpERS1 promoter. Temporal and spatial expression analysis of the PpERS1 promoter using histochemical GUS staining showed GUS activity in all tissues examined throughout the development of transgenic tomato plants. Exposure to various stresses caused similar changes in expression patterns in peach and transgenic tomato plants. Overall, our results suggested that PpERS1 gene might play important roles in response to multiple stresses via signal transduction mediated by ethylene receptors. The characterization of the PpERS1 promoter contributes to our understanding of the transcriptional regulation of this ethylene receptor in peach.

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