
<p>The availability of a unique database, where all data of the seismic microzonation studies carried out in about 1900 municipalities of Italy (https://www.webms.it/) are achieved with a standardized format, allowed statistical elaborations in terms of subsoil parameters. In particular, we analysed borehole logs and geophysical data in order to characterize them with the shear wave velocity (Vs) vertical profile, and the code of standardized engineering geological units, according to the Italian Guidelines for Seismic Microzonation (Seismic Microzonation Working Group, 2015; 2018). The Vs parameter, extracted from about 3700 geophysical surveys, was correlated to the engineering geological units from the borehole logs, with 1meter step. The correlation was performed for about 1700 available Down-Hole (DH) surveys and for about 2000 Multichannel Analyses of Surface Waves (MASW). For these latter, we selected only MASW surveys located near boreholes, no more than 100 m away. The statistical analysis on the distribution and dispersion of Vs parameter allowed to calculate the Vs values related to the mode, mean, median, standard deviation, first quartile, third quartile, minimum and maximum, and the trend with depth of Vs for each engineering geological unit. Validation with external datasets (e.g. Italian Vs30 map, Mori et al., 2020) demonstrates that the characterization of engineering geological units in term of Vs, based on velocity profiles extracted by the Italian seismic microzonation dataset, allow to reliably characterize the engineering geological model, where no geophysical data are available. Statistics of subsoil parameters will represent a fundamental tool for computing local seismic ground motion parameters (e.g. PGA, H<sub>SM</sub>) in the areas not covered by seismic microzonation studies.</p><p><strong>References</strong></p><p>- Mori, F., Mendicelli, A., Moscatelli, M., Romagnoli, 796 G., Peronace, E., Naso, G., 2020. A new Vs30 map for Italy based on the seismic microzonation dataset. Engineering Geology 275, 105745. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2020.105745.</p><p>- Seismic Microzonation Working Group, 2015. Guidelines for Seismic Microzonation http://www.protezionecivile.gov.it/httpdocs/cms/attach_extra/GuidelinesForSeismicMicrozonation.pdf</p><p>- Seismic Microzonation Working Group, 2018. Standard di rappresentazione e archiviazione informatica Versione 4.1. http://www.protezionecivile.gov.it/attivita-rischi/rischio-sismico/attivita/commissione-supporto-monitoraggio-studi-microzonazione/standard-rappresentazione-archiviazione-informatica</p>

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