
Biochemical and physical properties of dromedary milk were studied at initial pH and during an acidification with glucono-δ-lactone. In comparison with bovine milk salt, citrate and nitrogen partition between soluble and micellar phases revealed several characteristics. Dromedary milk micelle presented a more important mineral plus citrate charge (~ 98 mg .g -1 casein). Micellar Mg, P and citrate proportions were higher, about 2/3, 2/3 and 1/3, respectively. During acidification, micellar mineral and citrate release started tardily (~ pH 5.8) and the maximum of casein and Pi solubilization took place at lower pH values, 4.9 and 4.8, respectively. Dromedary milk micelle see- med to maintain its integrity until about pH 5.5, below, it underwent extensive biochemical and structural modifications mainly at pH 5.0. At this point, dromedary milk was characterized by a loose microstructure, by a maximum of loss modulus and of micelle hydration and by a minimum of apparent viscosity. The pH 5.0 would be a transition pH between micellar structure and coagulum struc- ture.

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