
ABSTRACTSolution and solid state Magic Angle Spinning (MAS) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy have been used to monitor the 31P signal of cyclic phosphazenes and associated linear polymers in solution and of these materials bound to alumina in stabilized dispersions. The differences between the simple solution experiments and the suspensions are being studied to determine the viability of NMR techniques to probe the chemical interactions between inorganic polymer dispersants and alumina particles. It has been observed in colloidal suspensions that the adsorption of phosphazenes onto an aluminum oxide surface causes a broadening of the 31P signal in solution NMR. This broadening is dependant on the amount of solid to polymer concentration, the amount of solids loading, the solvent polarity and the phosphazene substituent under investigation [1]. Conversely, the solid MAS experiments show a narrowing of the 31P signal upon adsorption of the phosphazene to alumina.

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