
T-DNA integration patterns in 49 transgenic grapevines produced via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation were analyzed. Inverse PCR (iPCR) was performed to identify T-DNA/plant junctions. Sequence comparison revealed several deletions in the T-DNA right border (RB) and left border (LB), and filler DNA and duplications or deletions of grapevine DNA at the T-DNA insertion loci. In 20 T-DNA/grapevine genome junctions microsimilarities were found associated with the joining points and in all grapevine lines microsimilarities were present near the breaking points along the 30 bases of T-DNA adjacent to the two borders. Analysis of target site preferences of T-DNA insertions indicated a non-random distribution of the T-DNA, with a bias toward the intron regions of the grapevine genes. Compositional analysis of grapevine DNA around the T-DNA insertion sites revealed an inverse relationship between the CG and AT-skews and AT rich sequences present at 300–500 bp upstream the insertion points, near the RB of the T-DNA. PCR assays showed that vector backbone sequences were integrated in 28.6% of the transgenic plants analyzed and multiple T-DNAs frequently integrated at the same position in the plant genome, resulting in the formation of tandem and inverted repeats.

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