
Purpose: Characterize Stakeholders in the Value Chain and CommercializationChannels of String Cheese in Vega de Alatorre, Veracruz, México.Methodology: The study was performed in the period June-August 2019, including 61surveys responded by milk producers and 22 dairy product processers (cheesemakers).Local Agri-food Systems (LAFS) and value chain approaches were applied.Results: The value chain of string cheese in this municipality consists of providers ofsupplies, dairy cattle breeders, gatherers, cheesemakers, sellers, and final consumers.String cheese is commercialized through 5 channels: (a) products are distributed bycheesemakers to wholesalers and retailers, (b) products are sold in food stores,establishments or restaurants within the region, (c) products are sold to distributors whobuy the product directly in the factory, d) direct sale in a grocery or traditional dairy storein the municipality and (e) products are sold at small-scale to final consumers in houses.Study Limitations: Distrust of some stakeholders to provide information for the study,due to the insecurity in the state of Veracruz. Conclusion: Limitations were found in the development and integration of the valuechain. The sale of cheese is carried out without sales contracts or cooperationagreements. Prices are set subjectively by the dominant stakeholder, and in order toinfluence the market price, producers and processors arbitrarily make conditional on thesupply or demand for milk and cheese, which creates market failures and inefficiencies.

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