
Calcareous soils are those soils containing layers of carbonate accumulation formed by either secondary accumulation or inheritance of CaCO3 from calcareous parent materials. These soils are widely distributed in arid, semi-arid and even some humid climate environments. However, in the Chinese Soil Taxonomy (CST, 3rd version), the soils that contain large amounts of CaCO3 but do not meet requirements of Aridosols are classified as Hapli-Ustic Cambosols. This group also includes many non-calcareous soils and those soils strongly affected by secondary carbonate accumulation together with quite dissimilar soils in terms of their morphology and properties. This study was conducted to determine calcification patterns and calcic processes occurring in representative pedons of calcareous soils in northwestern Henan Province, China and to classify these soils in CST. A Calcic subgroup was proposed to add within the Hapli-Ustic Cambosols. A diagnostic key was also provided to separate this subgroup from the Typic subgroup. In this way the different calcification degrees of soils were better reflected in the classification, which should lead to more uniform interpretive groups for better soil management.

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