
A study was conducted on the soils of Jagdalpur in a topo-sequence in order to characterize and classify them. The investigation revealed that the soils of the study area belong to Alfisols. The soils on subdued hills were very shallow and moderately deep on side slopes. These were well drained, gravely clay loam on the surface to clay loam in the sub-surface with redder hue (2.5YR 6/4) on summit and on the side slopes, and soils were grayer in colour together with yellower hue in the sub-surface. The soils were moderately deep to very deep well drained, with redder hue on undulating land to grey colour in the upper valley together with sandy clay loam to clay loam in texture and medium moderate sub-angular blocky structured. Soils were slightly acidic to moderately acidic soil reaction increased down the profile. CEC of surface horizon was 6.8 and 11.9 cmol (P+) kg-1 on the summit and the side slopes and almost comparable between 9 to 10 cmol (P+) kg-1 at undulating upland, and upper valley.

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