
The purpose of this study was to examine radiological hazards introduced to workers from the fabrication of fuels with minor actinides (MA) and reprocessed uranium (RepU) and determine the feasibility of using shielded gloveboxes instead of remotely controlled operations in hot cells. Of particular concern is the increase in photon source term from the daughter products in RepU and the mixed neutron and photon fields introduced by MA recycle. In the interest of keeping the glovebox worker's radiation dose as low as reasonable achievable (ALARA), dose rates were calculated for various typical and bounding fuel compositions for light water reactors (LWR) and fast reactor (FR) mixed oxide (MOX) fuels with and without MA. The impact of varying the separation efficiency of americium (Am) and curium (Cm) was examined because current separation processes in reprocessing and recycling do not allow for the complete separation of Am from Cm. The additional Cm will cause a significant increase in the neutron source term. The sensitivity of the fuels to aging time was also examined by decaying the recycled feedstocks from 6 months to 3 years to simulate the effect of delays in reuse of recycled materials. The highest photon and neutron sources were used to calculate the additional shielding requirements that would be needed for fuel fabrication. Through insight gained from this study, it can be concluded that a standard glovebox with one quarter inch stainless steel walls can be used to fabricate fuels with Am with little to no additional shielding. The introduction of small amounts of Cm in the fuels will require the fuel fabrication to be preformed remotely in hot cells. Thus, stressing the importance of developing methods to increase the separation efficiency of Am from Cm.

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