
Prostanoids are potent inflammatory mediators that play a regulatory role in the innate immune activation of the adaptive immune response to determine the duration of protection against infection. We aim to quantify the modulation of prostanoids profiles in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)–stimulated THP-1 cells treated with the novel pertussis antigen BscF. We compared the effect with pertussis antigens present in the current Tdap vaccine to understand the immunomodulatory effect that might contribute to the diminished Tdap vaccine effectiveness. The inflammatory challenge with LPS induced a robust elevation of most prostanoid family members compared to the control treatment. Treatment with BscF and Tdap significantly reduced the LPS-stimulated elevation of prostaglandins (PGs) D2, E2, and F2α, as well as thromboxane (TX) A2 levels. An opposite trend was observed for PGI2, as both antigens accelerated the LPS-stimulated upregulation. Further, we quantified cyclooxygenases (COXs) that catalyze the biosynthesis of prostanoids and found that both antigens significantly reduced LPS-stimulated COX-1 and COX-2, demonstrating that the waning of acellular pertussis vaccines’ protective immunity may be due to other downstream enzymes not related to COXs. Our present study validates the potential role of BscF as an adjuvant, resulting in the next-generation pertussis vaccine discovery.

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