
In domestic animal species, assessment of cell-mediated immune responses to virus infection is hampered by the requirement for class I MHC compatibility between target and effector cells. Additional complicating factors can include an inability to infect target cells in vitro, or virus-induced lysis of infected target cells. One way to circumvent these problems is to use virus-mediated gene transfer to deliver individual viral genes to autologous primary target cells. Several primary bovine cell cultures were assessed as potential target cells for cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) assays by measuring their levels of class I MHC expression and susceptibilities to retroviral gene delivery. High levels in both class I MHC expression and susceptibility to gene delivery were seen in adherent cell cultures isolated from peripheral blood (PBAC). PBAC, which arose as an outgrowth of adherent peripheral blood mononuclear cell cultures, had morphology, protein expression patterns, and response to functional assays characteristic of high endothelial cells. Expression of viral vector-delivered genes in PBAC cells was confirmed with a recombinant retrovirus carrying the green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene. The use of vector-mediated delivery of viral genes to bovine high endothelial cells is a promising method for assessment of cell-mediated immunity in cattle.

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