
In the present study we investigated the response to iron (Fe) deficiency in two cultivars of Festuca rubra L. (Rubina and Barnica) used in correction of chlorosis of fruit trees cultivated on calcareous soils. We found that a Fe-chelating compound, identified as 2′-deoxymugineic acid (DMA), was secreted from the roots in response to Fe-deficiency in both cultivars. The amount of DMA secreted into solution increased with the development of Fe-deficiency. The secretion showed a distinct diurnal rhythm characterized by a secretion peak at between 2 and 5 hours after sunrise at 20 °C. However, this secretion peak was delayed by 3 hour at low temperature (<10 °C) and occurred 3 h earlier at high temperature (30 °C). When water used for the collection of root exudates was pre-warmed (25 °C) or pre-cooled (10 °C), this led to an earlier or a delayed secretion compared to control (15 °C) under the same air temperature, respectively. Short-term shading treatment did not affect the secretion pattern of DMA. These results demonstrate that the secretion time of DMA from the roots is, at least partly controlled by the temperature in the root environment. Overall, these findings suggest that the ability of Festuca rubra to prevent Fe chlorosis symptoms (`re-greening effect') of associated fruit trees is partially related to the secretion of DMA which increase Fe availability in calcareous soils.

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