
We develop a bosonization approach to study the low temperature properties of one-dimensional gas of particles obeying fractional exclusion statistics (FES). It is shown that such ideal gas reproduces the low-energy excitations and asymptotic exponents of a one-component Luttinger liquid (with no internal degrees of freedom). At low energy (or temperature), the bosonized effective theory is identified to the c =1 conformal field theory (CFT) with compactified radius determined by the statistics parameter λ . Moreover, this CFT can be put into a form of the harmonic fluid description for Luttinger liquids, with the Haldane controlling parameter identified with the statistics parameter (of quasi-particle excitations). Thus we propose to use the latter to characterize the fixed points of 1-d Luttinger liquids. Such a characterization is further shown to be valid for generalized ideal gas of particles with mutual statistics in momentum space and for non-ideal gas with Luttinger-type interactions: In either case, the low temperature behavior is controlled by an effective statistics varying in a fixed-point line.

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