
The experimental fast reactor JOYO has been operated as an irradiation test facility for fast reactor fuel and structural material since 1983 with its MK-II core. During this time, an extensive study was conducted to characterize the neutron field in order to assure the accuracy and reliability of neutron fluence. Neutron flux for a given irradiation test was calculated using a core management code system based on three-dimensional diffusion theory. It was then corrected with the adjusted neutron spectrum by means of the multiple foil activation method. The neutron fluence calculation accuracy in the fuel region was evaluated within a 5% error by comparing the burn-up of spent fuel with the measured values, which had been obtained from their post-irradiation examination. At positions away from the fuel region, the neutron flux distribution was calculated using a two-dimensional transport code. A Monte Carlo code was also used to analyze the detailed neutron flux distribution within an irradiation test subassembly that had a heterogeneous internal structure. With the neutron flux results various irradiation parameters, such as displacement per atom (dpa) and helium production, could be evaluated. A helium accumulation fluence monitor has been developed to measure not only neutron fluence but also helium production. Neutron flux and fluence obtained from the core management calculations were compiled as a database for users’ convenience together with related irradiation information and fuel subassembly material compositions. These data are expected to be widely used in the post-irradiation analysis of fuel and structural material.

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