
Chromogranin A (CGA) is a protein that is stored and released together with neurotransmitters and hormones in the nervous, endocrine and diffuse neuroendocrine systems. As human vasostatins I and II [CGA(1-76) and CGA(1-113), respectively] have been reported to affect vessel motility and exert concentration-dependent cardiosuppressive effects on isolated whole heart preparations of eel, frog and rat (i.e. negative inotropism and antiadrenergic activity), we investigated the presence of vasostatin-containing peptides in rat heart. Rat heart extracts were purified by RP-HPLC, and the resulting fractions analyzed for the presence of CGA N-terminal fragments using dot-blot analysis. CGA-immunoreactive fractions were submitted to western blot and MS analysis using the TOF/TOF technique. Four endogenous N-terminal CGA-derived peptides [CGA(4-113), CGA(1-124), CGA(1-135) and CGA(1-199)] containing the vasostatin sequence were characterized. The following post-translational modifications of these fragments were identified: phosphorylation at Ser96, O-glycosylation (trisaccharide, NAcGal-Gal-NeuAc) at Thr126, and oxidation at three methionine residues. This first identification of CGA-derived peptides containing the vasostatin motif in rat heart supports their role in cardiac physiology by an autocrine/paracrine mechanism.

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