
A total of 10 bacterial isolates have been isolated from the gut of termites (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae and Termitidae) and are known to have the ability to produce lignocellulolytic enzymes consisting of cellulase, laccase, and lignin peroxidase. The enzymatic ability allows these bacteria to be used as a source of new enzymes in the industrial world. However, further research on the character of bacteria to support identification has not been carried out. This study aims to characterize lignocellulolytic bacteria in the gut of termites morphologically and biochemically. Morphological observations were carried out including colony shape, colony edge, colony color, growth type, bacterial cell shape, and gram staining. Meanwhile, the biochemical characterization carried out included glucose fermentation test, indole formation, starch hydrolysis, catalase test, and nitrate reduction. The results showed that ten isolates of lignocellulolytic bacteria from the gut of termites (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae and Termitidae) grew facultatively anaerobic, had almost similar morphological characters, with colony shapes including irregular and filamentous, colony edges in the form of lobate, undulate, and filamentous, and coloration. Colonies are white to yellowish white. The result of gram staining showed that most of the bacteria were gram positive bacteria with coccus and bacillus shaped bacterial cells. Biochemical analysis showed that these bacteria have the ability to ferment glucose, hydrolyze starch, reduce hydrogen peroxide (Hâ‚‚Oâ‚‚ 30%) and reduce nitrate.ÂÂ


  • Lignoselulosa merupakan salah satu sumberdaya alam yang paling melimpah di dunia sehingga berpotensi besar untuk menghasilkan energi terbarukan, khususnya sebagai bahan bakar nabati (Zhou et al, 2018) tetapi pemanfaatan lignoselulosa seringkali kurang optimal karena kandungan penyusunnya yang sulit didegradasi

  • This study aims to characterize lignocellulolytic bacteria in the gut of termites morphologically and biochemically

  • The results showed that ten isolates of lignocellulolytic bacteria from the gut of termites (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae and Termitidae) grew facultatively anaerobic, had almost similar morphological characters, with colony shapes including irregular and filamentous, colony edges in the form of lobate, undulate, and filamentous, and coloration

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Karakterisasi Morfologi Koloni

Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan pertumbuhan bakteri lignoselulolitik saluran pencernaan rayap pada medium NB, diketahui bahwa sepuluh bakteri saluran pencernaan rayap menunjukkan pertumbuhan yang bersifat fakultatif anaerob. Bakteri dengan jenis pertumbuhan fakultatif anaerob menunjukkan kemampuan adaptasi metabolisme dan pertumbuhan di bawah kondisi dengan atau tanpa oksigen, tetapi cenderung pada kondisi aerobik (Stieglmeier et al, 2009). Hasil ini didukung oleh penelitian Wenzel et al, (2002) yang menemukan bahwa bakteri saluran pencernaan rayap memiliki karakteristik bersifat fakultatif anaerob. Beberapa bakteri fakultatif anaerob seperti Pseudomonas juga diketahui berperan dalam memetabolisme aromatik dan lignoaromatik (Taylor, 1983; Liang et al, 2014; Auer et al, 2017). Koloni bakteri lignoselulolitik saluran pencernaan rayap menunjukkan karakter morfologi meliputi bentuk yang irregular dan filamentous, tepi koloni berupa lobate, undulate, dan filamentous, serta warna koloni berupa putih sampai putih kekuningan (Tabel 1)

Rejuvenasi Isolat Bakteri
Pengamatan Bentuk Sel dan Sifat Gram Bakteri
Karakterisasi Biokimia
Reduksi Nitrat
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