
Strains of the multidrug-resistant (MDR) Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium isolated in Japan were examined for high-level fluoroquinolone resistance. Since the first isolation in 2000 (described in reference 13), we have identified 12 human and 5 nonhuman isolates with high-level fluoroquinolone-resistance (ciprofloxacin MIC of 24 microg/ml or more). Most of these isolates shared some features including definitive phage type (DT 12/193), resistance type (ACSSuTNCp; resistant to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, streptomycin, sulfonamides, tetracycline, nalidixic acid, and ciprofloxacin), and genotype on pulsed-field gel electrophoresis that were different from those of the MDR S. enterica Typhimurium DT 104. Mutations in quinolone resistance-determining regions of gyrA and parC were also conserved in almost all of the isolates despite the absence of any apparent epidemiological relationships among cases. This suggests that a specific clonal group of the serovar Typhimurium with high levels of fluoroquinolone resistance is disseminating among animals and humans in Japan.

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