
Intracellular polygalacturonic acidtrans-eliminase (PATE) was purified and characterized fromKlebsiella oxytoca andYersinia enterocolitica, enterobacteria unable to macerate plant tissue. The well-studied PATE from a strain ofErwinia chrysanthemi, a phytopathogen able to macerate plant tissue and cause soft-rot disease, was included for comparison. PATE from all strains displayed endo-splitting activity with pH optima between pH 8.5 and 9.0E. chrysanthemi had three isozymes (pls at pH 9.4, 9.0, and 7.8),K. oxytoca had two isozymes (pIs at pH 5.9 and 5.3), andY. enterocolitica had one isozyme (pI at pH 5.8). Molecular weights for theKlebsiella andYersinia PATEs were 71,000 and 55,000, respectively, compared with 33,000 for theErwinia PATE. Unlike theErwinia enzyme, theKlebsiella andYersinia PATEs did not require divalent cations for activity and could not macerate plant tissue without addition of pectinmethylesterase. The polygalacturonic acid-degrading enzymes found inK. oxytoca andY. enterocolitica appear to represent a separate type of PATE enzyme. It is unlikely that these organisms are phytopathogens; however, their ability to degrade polygalacturonic acid is probably advantageous to their survival in environments containing decomposing plant residues.

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