
Mixed surimi gels with 8%, 10% and 15% of pea protein isolate (PPI) were made in order to replace part of the myofibrillar proteins with PPI. Phytochemical, mechanical, viscoelastic and structural properties of heat-induced gels were analysed. Resulting gels contained low amounts of galactosides, inositol phosphates, protease inhibitors and phenolic compounds with potential specific health roles. A coupled PPI-myofibrillar matrix was produced on a basis of water binding capacity, electrophoresis profile, reticular flexibility and homogeneous microstructure. Mixed gels were less rigid (lower complex modulus -G*-) and exhibited slightly greater water binding ability than control gel. Addition of 8% and 10% PPI improved conformational flexibility, energy stability and elastic character. In mixed gels with 15% PPI the continuity of the mixed-protein matrix was disrupted and the mechanical and viscoelastic parameters deteriorated. Mixed surimi gels with 8% or 10% were thus more sustainable and healthy for use in meat or seafood analogue processing.

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