
To characterize sperm abnormalities induced by gossypol in cattle, young Brahman bulls (n=8) received either cottonseed meal delivering 8.2 g free gossypol/bull/d (treatment, n=4) or isonitrogenous soybean meal (control, n=4) for 11 wk. At slaughter, semen was collected from the following extragonadal sites: mediastinum/rete testis (Site 1), caput (Site 2), corpus (Site 3) and cauda epididymis (Site 4), and ductus deferens (Site 5). At least 200 fixed spermatozoa per site were examined via differential-interference-phase contrast (DIC) microscopy, with electron microscopy (EM) being employed with select samples. Sperm midpiece abnormalities were categorized as aplastic, fragile or asymmetric, with detached sperm heads being tabulated separately. Of these, aplastic defects were considered most likely to occur during spermatogenesis. Bull sperm midpiece lesions induced by gossypol were ultrastructurally similar to those observed in other, nonruminant, species. Combined midpiece abnormalities generally increased with extragonadal passage (EGP) in the treated bulls, as did fragile and asymmetric but not aplastic midpieces, or detached sperm heads. This pattern of EGP changes in bull sperm morphology following gossypol spermatoxicity suggests that structural weakness induced during spermatogenesis leads to secondary spermatozoal changes during EGP, possibly due to the imposition of motility Stressors upon prior weakened structures.

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