
The search for novel biosurfactants (Bs) requires the isolation of microorganisms from different environments. The Gulf of Mexico (GoM) is a geographical area active in the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons. Recent metagenomic and microbiologic studies in this area suggested a potential richness for novel Bs microbial producers. In this work, nineteen bacterial consortia from the GoM were isolated at different depths of the water column and marine sediments. Bs production from four bacterial consortia was detected by the CTAB test and their capacity to reduce surface tension (ST), emulsion index (EI24), and hemolytic activity. These bacterial consortia produced Bs in media supplemented with kerosene, diesel, or sucrose. Cultivable bacteria from these consortia were isolated and identified by bacterial polyphasic characterization. In some consortia, Enterobacter cloacae was the predominant specie. E. cloacae BAGM01 presented Bs activity in minimal medium and was selected to improve its Bs production using a Taguchi and Box-Behnken experimental design; this strain was able to grow and presented Bs activity at 35gL-1 of NaCl. This Bs decreased ST to around 34.5 ± 0.56mNm-1 and presented an EI24 of 71 ± 1.27%. Other properties of this Bs were thermal stability, stability in alkaline conditions, and stability at high salinity, conferring important and desirable characteristics in multiple industries. The analysis of the genome of E. cloacae BAGM01 showed the presence of rhlAB genes that have been reported in the synthesis of rhamnolipids, and alkAB genes that are related to the degradation of alkanes. The bioactive molecule was identified as a rhamnolipid after HPLC derivatization, 1H NMR, and UPLC-QTOF-MS analysis.

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