
Transglutaminases have been found in various living organism, such as mammals, plants, <br />microorganisms, and marine organisms including fishes. Transglutaminases have many various functions<br />such as food properties, non-food properties and pharmacologies. This research aimed to characterize<br />transglutaminase that obtained from byproducts of yellow pike conger (Congresox talabon) such as<br />catadromous fish of yellow pike conger’s liver. The characteristic of transglutaminase had the possibility<br />to know the optimum condition in application of transglutaminase from liver of yellow pike conger such<br />as food processing industry, non-food industry and pharmacological application. A yield of yellow pike<br />conger’s liver was 0.88±0.11%. Specific activity of remang fish liver weighing 10 grams was 1,375 U/mg.<br />Characteristic crude transglutaminase from liver of yellow pike conger had optimum pH at 7.5; optimum<br />temperature at 50°C, transglutaminase activity increased on Mg<br />2+<br /> ion dependent and crude transglutaminase <br />had molecular weight of 27.48; 37.00; 69.51; 78.89; 88.18; 108.45; 134.10; dan 172.12 kDa.<br /><br />


  • Yellow pike conger (Congresox talabon) tersebar luas di Samudera Indo-Pasifik, Sri Lanka dan Teluk Benggala hingga ke Indonesia dan lebih dikenal ikan cunang di Indonesia

  • This research was aimed to characterize transglutaminase that obtained from fisheries byproducts such as catadromous fish the yellow pike conger’s liver

  • A cold active transglutaminase from Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba): Purification, characterization and application in the modification of cold-set gelatin gel

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Ikan cunang beku diperoleh dari PPI Karangsong Kabupaten Indramayu, Jawa Barat pada titik koordinat 06o18`45`` dan 06o19`45`` LS dan 108o21`30`` BB dan 108o22`30`` BT dan didistribusi menggunakan coolbox. Bahan kimia yang digunakan untuk ekstraksi TGase dan karakterisasi enzim TGase terdiri dari NaCl PA 99.5% (Merck, Jerman), EDTA (Titriplex III PA) (Merck, Jerman), 2-Merkaptoethanol (Sigma-Aldrich, USA), Tris (hydroxymethyl PA) (Merck, Jerman), CaCl22H2O (Merck, Jerman), dan substrat enzim berupa monodansylcadaverine (MDC) (Sigma-Aldrich, US) dan N’Ndimethylatedcasein (DMC) (Sigma-Aldrich, US). Alat yang digunakan untuk di antaranya sentrifuse dingin (himac CR 21G, Jepang), spektrofotometer (Spectro UV-VIS 2500, Jerman), Flourometer (BMG LABTECH, Jerman), pipet mikro (Thermo Scientific Vantaa, Finlandia), pH meter (Thermo Electron, Finlandia), alat-alat elektroforesis (TV-100 YK, SCIENPLAS, Inggris), dan inkubator (Thermoline)

Metode Penelitian
Ekstraksi enzim TGase
Aktivitas enzim TGase
Konsentrasi protein
Karakterisasi enzim TGase
Profil bobot molekul
Karakterisasi ekstrak kasar enzim TGase
Suhu optimum
Pengaruh ion logam
Myosin light chain
Profil bobot molekul enzim TGase
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Paper version not known

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