
Abstract<br />Indonesian capture fisheries production reached ± 6.4 million tons in 2014. This number was predicted<br />resulted a huge fishery waste, one of them was swim bladder that potentially contain collagen, so it needs to<br />be developed. This aim of this study was to determine the characteristics of the swim bladder (proportion<br />and chemical content) and collagen characteristics (yield and physicochemical properties) extracted from<br />the swim bladder cunang (Muraenesox talabon). Swim bladder waste had proportion 0.57 to 0.67% of whole<br />yellow-piked conger body weight and 24.74% protein/100 g wet weight (equivalent to 93.39% of protein/100<br />gram dry). The waste had a potency of collagen, which is characterized by the high proportion of the<br />amino acids glycine, proline, hydroxyproline and alain. Acid extraction and hydrothermal process resulted<br />collagen extracts, identified from a spectrum of amide I, amide II and amide III functional groups. Collagen<br />extracted with acid process contained a higher glycine than hydrothermal one, but instead hydrothermal<br />process produced extract with a higher proline, hydroxyproline and alanine composition.<br /><br />


  • Indonesia memiliki potensi sumber daya perikanan yang melimpah, namun pemanfaatan selama ini masih sebatas daging

  • Indonesian capture fisheries production reached ± 6.4 million tons in 2014. This number was predicted resulted a huge fishery waste, one of them was swim bladder that potentially contain collagen, so it needs to be developed. This aim of this study was to determine the characteristics of the swim bladder and collagen characteristics extracted from the swim bladder cunang (Muraenesox talabon)

  • The waste had a potency of collagen, which is characterized by the high proportion of the amino acids glycine, proline, hydroxyproline and alain

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BAHAN DAN METODE lanjutan difokuskan pada protein yaitu

Bahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian asam amino ditentukan melalui analisis asam ini yaitu gelembung renang ikan cunang amino bahan baku, mengacu pada metode (Muraenesox talabon) yang diperoleh dari Nollet (2015) dan Waters Inc. (1993) dengan hasil samping sentra UKM kerupuk di Desa alat Ultra High Performance Chromatography. Bahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian asam amino ditentukan melalui analisis asam ini yaitu gelembung renang ikan cunang amino bahan baku, mengacu pada metode (Muraenesox talabon) yang diperoleh dari Nollet (2015) dan Waters Inc. (1993) dengan hasil samping sentra UKM kerupuk di Desa alat Ultra High Performance Chromatography. Kecamatan Sindang, Kabupaten (UPLC), yang dinyatakan dalam mg/kg: Indramayu-Jawa Barat. Bahan kimia yang digunakan untuk analisis yaitu akuades, akua Kadar asam amino (mg/kg) =. Alat yang digunakan yaitu neraca digital SaKtoardiaursa® s(akmetealmitianno (0m,0g0/1kg) gr), pH-meter, kertas pH, hotplate magnetic. RAstandar×Bobot sampel stirrer YAMATO (100 V, 250 W; Tmax 300°C), waterbath (40°C), sentrifuge (HIMAC 21G), Ekstraksi Kolagen Gelembung Renang freeze dryer, pipet volumetrik, pipet tetes, Proses ekstraksi didahului oleh proses mikropipet dan alat-alat gelas (Iwaki). Eliminasi substansi non-kolagen, pigmen dan lemak dari gelembung renang (Liu et al 2015)

Metode Penelitian
Proporsi Bahan Baku
Komposisi Proksimat
Asam Amino Gelembung Renang
Rendemen Ekstrak Kolagen
Ekstraksi hidrotermal
Karakteristik Fisikokimia
Sifat fisikokimia

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