
Cyclic AMP-dependent proteolysis of GATA-6(Δ50) was characterized using inhibitors for intracellular signaling pathways. Among these kinase inhibitors, only H-89 and K252a inhibited the proteolysis induced by dbcAMP, a membrane permeable cAMP analogue, others such as PD98059, SB203580, calphostine C, PP1, and KN-93 did not do so. These results suggest that A-kinase, but not C-kinase, MEK, P38 MAP-kinases or Src kinase, could participate in the observed phenomenon. We further demonstrated that an inhibitor for ubiquitin isopeptidase (Δ12-PGJ2) inhibited the degradation of GATA-6(Δ50) in the presence of dbcAMP, suggesting that the cAMP-dependent proteolysis could be mediated through the ubiquitin–proteasome pathway, although proteasome activity did not change significantly during dbcAMP treatment. The full-length GATA-6 was also responsive to the induced degradation. Furthermore, mutation of a potential phosphorylation site (Ser-290 → Ala) for A- and C-kinases, and deletion of the PEST sequence of GATA-6 did not abolish the degradation. All these results suggest that cellular factor(s) may play a crucial role in mediating the activation of the cAMP-dependent process.

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