
Charcoal consists mostly of carbon materials prepared by carbonization, i.e., traditionally by pyrolysis [1,2] of wood pieces in a kiln. At a high enough temperature and an absence of oxygen [3], high-quality charcoal with low resistance can be produced. A possible application of the low-resistivity charcoal is as an electrode material for electrochemical devices. In this research, bamboo waste was used to produce low-resistance bamboo charcoal. During heating, the temperature gradually increased up to 700°C, was kept approximately constant overnight, and was left to cool down to room temperature. Then, the charcoal bamboo pieces were obtained. A rough temperature-resistivity map was constructed. The bamboo charcoals were divided into 3 resistivity ranges, namely, 20, 100 and 1000 ohm.cm-1. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy and microEDX (energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy), were conducted for charcoal morphology and spectroscopic characterization [4-6]. The morphological results from SEM did not show any significant differences among bamboo charcoals with different resistivity. DF-STEM and EDS-STEM mapping revealed impurities inside the bamboo charcoal. Elemental analysis of micro areas showed weight percentage of carbon and other impurities in the bamboo charcoals. The 20 ohm.cm-1 bamboo charcoal was the best among all resistivity studied in terms of purity and main carbon structure. Decreasing the impurity content was found to be one of the essential parameters to obtain low resistivity bamboo charcoal. It was concluded that improving the stability and condition of the burning process in the conventional kiln was necessary in order to get a high yield of low resistance bamboo charcoals.

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