
Interest in obtaining bacteriocin-producing strains of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) from different sources has been increasing in recent years due to their multiple applications in health and food industries. This study focused on the isolation and characterization of metabolically active populations of bacteriocinogenic LAB and the evaluation of their antimicrobial substances as well as of some nutritional requirements of them. One hundred and fifty colonies of LAB from artisanal cheeses produced in Minas Gerais state (Brazil) were isolated and screened for their antimicrobial activity. According to their activity against Listeria monocytogenes, ten strains were selected and subsequently identified using biochemical and molecular techniques including 16s rRNA amplification and sequencing as Enterococcus faecalis, Lactobacillus spp., and Pediococcus pentosaceus. Antimicrobial substances produced by four of the selected strains, P. pentosaceus 63, P. pentosaceus 145, P. pentosaceus 146, and P. pentosaceus 147, were biochemically characterized, and presented sensitivity to proteolytic enzymes (suggesting their proteinaceous nature) and to extreme pH. Antimicrobial activity showed stability after treatment with lipase, catalase, α-amylase, and chemicals. Growth kinetics of the P. pentosaceus selected showed maximal bacteriocin production at 37 °C during the end of the exponential growth phase (25,600 AU/mL) and stable production during 24 h of incubation. Dextrose, maltose, and a mixture of peptone, meat extract, and yeast extract increased bacteriocin production. This study demonstrated that dairy products provide a good alternative for obtaining LAB, with the ability to produce antimicrobial substances such as bacteriocins that have potential use as biopreservatives in food.

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