
We have cloned and sequenced a 321 bp band of repetitive DNA from Eptesicus fuscus and E. serotinus observed after gel electrophoresis of EcoRI digested genomic DNA in both species. Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA (from both species) digested with the same enzyme showed the existence of a ladder pattern indicating that the repetitive DNA is arrayed in tandem. The repetitive sequences have a monomer unit of 321 bp which is composed of two subunits of 160 bp, suggested by the existence of a 160 bp band in the ladder of E. fuscus and by the presence of some direct repeats found in the analysis of the consensus sequence. Analysis of the methylation status demonstrated that cytosines in CCGG sequences in this satellite DNA are methylated in E. fuscus but not in the E. serotinus. Alignment of the sequenced clones showed that several nucleotide positions are diagnostic species-specific and consequently the phylogenetic analysis grouped the monomer units from both species in two clearly separated groups.

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