
Shilajatwadi Lauha (SL) is an Ayurvedic Herbo mineral compound formulation used in the treatment of Kshaya and Madhumeha from ancient times. The present study was selected to standard ize SL which can be adopted by different Ayurvedic pharmacies for its standardization. For preparation of SL pure Shilajit, Swarna Makshik Bhasma , Shunthi - Marich - Pippali Churna (Trikatu) were taken in equal quantity in mortar and pestle and six times of Lauha Bhasma were added in it and triturated until it becomes fine powder and homogenously mixed. Each of the ingredients was prepared according to the protocols of Ayurvedic texts and by applying Electric muffle furnace as heating device for in cineration. To ensure the pro per preparation of Bhasma s and other ingredients b hasma parikshas and other tests were employed. After completion of all tests, SL was prepared and subjected for XRD and SEM analysis. XRD study reveals that strongest peak obtained was Fe 2 O 3 and other ident ified compound was CuS and FeS 2 and SEM study show s that the particle size of SL wa s between 2 to 20 µm. This is the first study in establishing the characterization of SL.

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