
It has been postulated that bronchial asthma is associated with a defect of the β-adrenergic receptor. Previous studies using intact neutrophil (polymorphonuclear) preparations have shown decreased cyclic adenosine monophosphate responses to isoproterenol and histamine in active bronchial asthma. Using the β-adrenergic antagonist 3H-dihydroalprenolol, we have recently reported normal numbers and affinity of β-adrenergic receptors in homogenates of polymorphonuclear leukocytes from patients with bronchial asthma. In the present study using polymorphonuclear sonicates from 25 patients with bronchial asthma and 23 normal control subjects, we assessed several steps distal to receptor binding, including adenylate cyclase coupling to the β-adrenergic receptor and adenylate cyclase catalytic activity after hormonal (isoproterenol, histamine, and prostaglandin E1) and NaF stimulation. The mean ± SEM concentration of isoproterenol that displaced 50 % 3H-dihydroalprenolol (Kd) was 2.31 ± 0.33 eM for the asthmatic s...

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