
Sequence type 88 community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) strain SR434, isolated from an outpatient with skin and soft tissue infection, was subjected to whole genome sequencing, antimicrobial susceptibility testing, mouse skin infection model and hemolysis analysis to identify its virulence and resistance determinants. MRSA strain SR434 is resistant to clindamycin, erythromycin and fosfomycin. Four plasmids with resistance genes were identified in this strain, including a 20,658bp blaZ-carrying plasmid, a 2473bp ermC-carrying plasmid, a 2622bp fosB7-carrying plasmid (86% identity with plasmid in a ST2590 MRSA strain) and a 4817bp lnuA-carrying plasmid (99% identity with pLNU4 from bovine coagulase-nagetive Staphylococci). This strain contains staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec type IV and does not contain arginine catabolic mobile element or Panton-Valentine-Leukocidin. SR434 harbors genomic islands νSaα, νSaβ, νSaγ and ΦSa3 and pathogenicity islands νSa2 that carries genes encoding toxic shock syndrome toxin 1, superantigen enterotoxin C and superantigen enterotoxin L. Mouse skin infection model results show that SR434 had similar virulence potential causing invasive skin infection as a PVL-negative epidemic Korea clone HL1 (ST72). CA-MRSA strain of ST88 lineage might be a great concern for its high virulence. PVL has limited contribution to virulence phenotype among this lineage.

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