
We produced a photolyase-deficient mutant by repeat induced point mutation using the Neurospora crassa photolyase gene cloned previously. This mutation identified a new gene, phr, which was mapped on the right arm of linkage group I by both RFLP mapping and conventional mapping. To investigate the relationship between photoreactivation and dark repair processes, especially excision repair, double mutants of phr with representative repair-defective mutants of different types were constructed and tested for UV sensitivity and photoreactivation. The results show that the phr mutation has no influence on dark repair. Tests with CPD and TC(6-4) photoproduct-specific antibodies demonstrated that the phr mutant is defective in CPD photolyase and confirmed that there is no TC(6-4) photolyase activity in N. crassa. Furthermore, N. crassa photolyase is not a blue light receptor in the signal transduction that induces carotenoid biosynthesis.

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