
ABSTRACT The disease syndrome "basses richesses" (SBR) has affected sugar beet crops in Burgundy (France) since 1991. It mainly is associated with an uncultivable phloem-restricted bacterium-like organism (BLO) called SBR BLO. Transmission tests showed that field-collected Pentastiridius sp. (Hemiptera, Cixiidae) were able to transmit the SBR BLO to sugar beet. In the present work, sequences of a 1,507-bp 16S ribosomal (r)DNA fragment of SBR BLO were amplified from DNA extracts of SBR-affected field sugar beet plants, of field-collected Pentastiridius sp. plant-hoppers, and of Pentastiridiussp.-exposed sugar beet seedlings that expressed SBR symptoms. The sequences showed total identity, confirming the role of SBR BLO in the etiology of SBR and the vector role of Pentastiridius sp. Our surveys on SBR-affected sugar beet plants and Pentastiridius sp. planthoppers collected in different fields and different years suggest that a unique BLO was involved in SBR. Furthermore, comparison of 16S rDNA sequences permitted the identification of the SBR BLO as a new plant-pathogenic gamma-3 proteobacteria different from 'Candidatus Phlomobacter fragariae,' another BLO responsible for marginal chlorosis disease of strawberry in France. Phylogenetic analysis revealed a close relationship between the SBR bacterium and several bacteria described as endosymbionts of hemipteran insects.

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