
Nuclear receptor subfamily 0 group B member 1 (Nr0b1) belongs to the nuclear receptor (NR) superfamily. It plays critical roles in sex determination, sex differentiation, and gonadal development in mammals. In this study, the duplicated genes nr0b1a and nr0b1b were identified in spotted scat (Scatophagus argus). Phylogenetic and synteny analyses revealed that, unlike nr0b1a, nr0b1b was retained in several species of teleosts after an nr0b1 gene duplication event but was secondarily lost in other fish species, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. In a sequence analysis, only 1.5 LXXLL-related repeat motifs were identified in spotted scat Nr0b1a, Nr0b1b, and non-mammalian Nr0b1a/Nr0b1, different from the 3.5 repeat motifs in mammalian Nr0b1. By qPCR, nr0b1a and nr0b1b were highly expressed in testes from stages IV to V and in ovaries from stages II to IV, respectively. Male-to-female sex reversal was induced in XY spotted scat by the administration of exogenous E2. A qPCR analysis showed that nr0b1b mRNA expression was higher in sex-reversed XY fish than in control XY fish, with no difference in nr0b1a. A luciferase assay showed that spotted scat Nr0b1a and Nr0b1b did not individually activate cyp19a1a gene transcription. As in mammals, spotted scat Nr0b1a suppressed Nr5a1-mediated cyp19a1a expression, despite containing only 1.5 LXXLL-related repeat motifs in its N-terminal region, while Nr0b1b stimulated Nr5a1-mediated cyp19a1a transcription. These results demonstrated that nr0b1a and nr0b1b in spotted scat have distinct expression patterns and regulatory effects and further indicate that nr0b1b might be involved in ovarian development by regulating Nr5a1-mediated cyp19a1a expression.

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